Peter Jablonski

I am a former educator turned software engineer seeking a new challenge. I’m most effective breaking down complex technical problems, working collaboratively and developing approachable and accessible experiences for users.

Lately I’ve been working with React, Redux, and Express

Technical Skills

Strong​: JavaScript (ES5/ES6), React, Redux, Gatsby.js, HTML, CSS, Git, Firebase, Flux Architecture, JAMstack, jQuery

Experienced: ​ Webpack, RESTful APIs, D3.js, Node/Express, Postgres/Sequelize, Travis CI, Testing (Jest), GraphQL

Recent Highlights


​Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineer II

Frontend Developer

  • Planning, designing and creating standardized application components used network wide across over 20 sites
  • Utilizing Lighthouse to optimize Core Web Vitals creating more performant sites for millions of daily vistors
  • Actively monitoring data from RUM metrics and Kibanna errors to improve overall application health
  • Establishing and maintaining proctor A/B testing to measure efficacy of new product intiatives


​Software Engineer (Contract)

  • Building and deploying a full stack JavaScript application for an interactive digital art exhibition
  • Integrating D3.js and Leaflet libraries to create interactive and scalable location based images


​Software Engineer (Contract)

  • Built and deployed JAMstack application (Gatsby.js, Airtable, Firebase, Cloud Functions) to create teacher training platform
  • Utilized GraphQL page queries to dynamically generate create page content from Airtable and Github
  • Configured Redux for state management, with immer as immutable data store and redux-thunk for async data processing in order to standardize data flow and management
  • Implemented private client side routing using React reach router to protect privileged content
  • Deployed Firebase cloud functions to consume firebase events and trigger data forwarding via Airtable API

Code Nation (formerly ScriptEd)

Senior Program Manager, Curriculum Specialist

  • Led revision of three levels of web development curricula for over 1000 students covering HTML, CSS, ​JavaScript, React
  • Collaborated with developer team on research, planning and development of CN Lesson Planning tool (repo)

Code / Interactive

Program Manager

  • Managed and supported 6 partner schools to implement Creative Web Development and Programming course

Flatiron School

Pre-College Fellow

  • Led Intro to Software Engineering course covering Ruby, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Sinatra, SQL, Design Thinking

St. Louis Public Schools, Dewey ISS

Chinese Language Teacher, Teach for America Corps Member



CS106A Section Leader

  • Led and mentored a group of 12 students from across the globe through a 5 week remote intensive Intro to CS course

Recurse Center


  • Created Word-Up, an approachable interface for constructing crossword puzzles as well as One Across, a collaborative crossword solving platform featured in RC’s Joy of Computing blog. Used Flux architecture with React, Redux, redux-logic for async processing, and immer for immutable data store to create modularized application with optimized data flow. Automated continuous deployment with Travis CI and Jest ensuring simplifying deployment and ensuring product quality
  • Presented at Recurse’s monthly Localhost talk to a technical audience of over 60 engineers



  • #3 contributor to Popcode (repo), an open source programming environment designed to support new learners and classroom workflows used by over 1000 students daily
  • Implemented Google authentication, greatly reducing student sign up time (#1450)
  • Integrated with Google Classroom, streamlining the processes for assignment submission (#1511)
  • BuiltEnabled archive projects feature (#1485) and redesigned the project selection interface (#1737), simplifying the navigation and selection of projects
  • Created working proof-of-concept of DOM element highlighter, visually connecting cursor position to highlighted elements (#1025)


Washington University in St. Louis

Bachelor of Arts, Majors in Chinese and International Business

Relevant Coursework: Computer Science I, Calculus II, Physics and Society


Mat Brown

Senior Software Engineer at Dropbox / maintainer of Popcode

As one of Popcode’s most consistent and productive contributors for the past two and a half years, Peter has demonstrated an ability to independently tackle technically challenging work that I would only expect from someone with several years of professional experience. His ability to write high-quality code that solves complex problems, working within a large and mature codebase, will make him a valued member of the software team that is lucky enough to hire him. I can’t recommend working with Peter highly enough! —Mat Brown